SUPERVISOR 'S REPORT ON THE THESIS (EXHAUST QUALIFICATION WORK) Theme of the thesis : The influence of the urbanization process on ethnogenesis (on the example of Western Europe) Author (student / s): Frantsuzov Aleksey Yurievich Institute of Earth Sciences (St. Petersburg State University) The main educational program is the direction of preparation 05.04.02 "Geography", educational program "ВМ.5516.2015 Public Geography" Level: Master's program Supervisor: Klokov Konstantin Borisovich Professor of the Department of Regional Policy and Political Geography of St. Petersburg State University, Doctor of Geographical Sciences ASSESSMENT OF THE CONFORMITY OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PUBLIC PREPAREDNESS PREPAREDNESS FOR THE AUTHOR OF THE THESIS Vocational training requirements: YES, Compliant Mostly correspond Do not match • the ability to correctly formulate and set tasks (problems) of their activities in the performance of the thesis, analyze, diagnose the causes of problems, determine their relevance YES, Compliant • establish priorities and methods for solving set tasks (problems) YES, Compliant • be able to use, process and analyze modern geo-ecological, geographic, statistical, analytical information YES, Compliant • own modern methods of analysis Mostly correspond • be able to rationally plan the time of performance of work, determine the correct sequence and scope of operations and decisions when performing the task; YES, Compliant • the ability to objectively evaluate the results of calculations and calculations; Mostly correspond • the ability to analyze the results of the interpretation of geographic and geo-ecological data, YES, Compliant • Know and apply methods of system analysis; YES, Compliant • be able to carry out interdisciplinary research YES, Compliant • be able to make independent, valid and reliable conclusions from the work done; YES, Compliant • to be able to use scientific literature of a professional orientation YES, Compliant • be able to apply modern graphic, cartographic, computer and multimedia technologies in the study; Mostly correspond • be able to use cartographic methods using GIS. Mostly correspond Noted advantages of work Completed by A.Yu. The Frantsuzov thesis is dedicated to a complex topic. In the course of work on it, the author showed independence, erudition, professionalism and perseverance in the performance of tasks. It should be noted that the choice of such a topic for thesis was associated with a significant risk, since the very possibility of revealing the dependence of ethnogenesis processes on urbanization on available materials in Western Europe was not obvious (as I, incidentally, warned the undergraduate, but this is not his Frightened). In this context, the author's substantiated conclusion that there is no direct dependence of ethnogenesis on urbanization deserves high praise. In addition, as the success of the completed study, it should be noted that the author, having received a negative response to the main hypothesis, justified an additional conclusion about the existence of an indirect effect of urbanization on ethnogenesis through the formation of a new type of nursing landscape - urban. Thus, he came to the conclusion that, despite the absence of direct influence, urbanization should still be considered one of the factors of ethnogenesis. The noted shortcomings of work In the work it would be possible to include more charts. In particular, it was possible to compile maps reflecting the spatial features of urbanization (for example, to bring the cartograms of the share of the urban population in Western European countries in several historical periods) and the processes of ethnogenesis (for example, the ranges of the main ethnoses indicating the phase of ethnogenesis according to LN Gumilev) . It was also possible to cite the schemes of the most important migration corridors. I think that a comparison of such maps would allow the author of the WRC to draw additional conclusions about the mutual influence of the processes of urbanization and ethnogenesis. The conclusion of the Supervisor: The work basically corresponds to the requirements shown at the St. Petersburg State University for the thesis of the main educational program of the magistracy "Political Geography and Geopolitics". With successful protection, the author of the WRC can claim an excellent rating. Supervisor _____Klokov K.B._________________ 30.05.2017