Graduation qualification work Ponomareva MA "Peculiarities of improving the environmental management system of energy enterprises in the light of the implementation of the new version of the ISO14001: 2015 standard" is devoted to solving the problem of conformity of the EMS to the newly created requirements of the international standard ISO 14001: 2015 (for example, BGC Ufa TPP-4). Graduation qualification work consists of an introduction, 5 main chapters "Analysis of the state of the problem" (1 section), "Functioning of the environmental management system in the enterprise" (2 section), "Features of the introduction of the best available technologies in the energy sector" (3 section), "Analysis of results (Section 4), "Forecasting the positive effect from the implementation of proposed measures to improve EMS" (section 5), conclusions containing conclusions, and a list of references. The introduction sets out the rationale for choosing the topic of the work, discusses the problems that need to be addressed, articulates the purpose of the work, so the relevance of the work is beyond doubt. In the first chapter, the author analyzed a number of problems and tasks to be solved in the area of ​​restructuring the internal corporate governance system in order to comply with the ISO 14001: 2015 standard. The second section assesses the company's impact on the environment, identifies changes in the new version of the standard, describes the procedure for environmental auditing at the enterprise. In the third section, work was done to assess the relationship between the implementation of the best available technologies and the introduction of EMS in an industrial enterprise. Also, a database has been prepared for the introduction of BAT to improve efficiency and reduce NOx emissions, taking into account the technological parameters of the plant. In the fourth and fifth chapters, the results and effects of the implementation of the improved version of the standard were analyzed. The main focus is on improving efficiency by meeting the expanded and innovative requirements of the international instrument. Due to the integrated approach to achieving the assigned tasks, the final qualifying work has a practical focus and logical completion. Ponomareva MA Proved herself to be a competent specialist, capable of independently solving the tasks assigned to him. As a theoretical basis, the author used modern and current sources of literature, which is an indubitable plus. As a shortcoming, it can be noted that foreign experience on the investigated problem is not sufficiently considered, however, this does not significantly affect the quality of the work done. It should be noted that in general the work produces a good impression, written in a competent, accessible language. The author has the ability to analyze the results obtained and draw appropriate conclusions. A high level of work testifies to the profound knowledge gained during the study. Good theoretical knowledge, organization and diligence allowed to fully fulfill the assignment for the final qualifying work.