Since 2014 I know Mr. Samoilenko Dmitry Olegovich. I was the supervisor of his bachelor's work, in which he conducted theoretical studies of the electronic structure of bone tissue. In the magistracy he continued his earlier research and successfully coped with the extremely complex, interdisciplinary and very actual task that has great socio-economic importance. The purpose of his research is located at the intersection of solid state physics and biology (osteology). In this work, the quantum-mechanical 3DSL model of the electronic and atomic structure of the mineral matrix is suggested. The model takes into account the modern morphological models of bone tissue. Deep analysis of the current state of the biomaterial problem is successfully performed to develop the model. Dmitry has demonstrated the ability to collect and critically comprehend diverse information, knowledge of the modern computational methods and confident orientation in problems of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. He overcame all difficulties and successfully solved the complex scientific problem. I would like to note that Dmitry not only carried out the theoretical studies, but also took an active part in experimental research on BESSI II to check and confirm the theoretical predictions. The obtained results are new and original. I also note that the master student can work in various groups and defend his opinion. He successfully participated in the cooperative projects P2016a-1 and P2016b-10 with the Free University in Berlin. The projects were supported by the Russian-German Research Center (G-RISC). Samoilenko D. O. is a co-author of 3 publications peer reviewed journal entering in the Scopus and RINC databases. Samoilenko Dmitry Olegovich showed himself as an insistent and inquisitive researcher and demonstrated his high potential as a research physicist. Considering the requirements for the final qualifying work for the master's degree, and the personal qualities of the undergraduate, I think that his master's work can be rated "excellent". Samoilenko Dmitry Olegovich is worthy of awarding a master's degree. Supervisor Professor, Dr. Sci., AA Pavlychev