REVIEW on final qualifying work of the student of St. Petersburg State University Katayeva Tatyana Sergeevna On the topic: Reflection and absorption spectra of low-temperature liquids and crystals The study of the absorption spectra of low-temperature molecular liquids is an urgent topic for astrophysical problems and semiconductor manufacturing technologies. The main difficulty of the work is connected with the presence of bands that are strong in dipole absorption. For example, CF oscillations in the vibrational spectra of freons. The contours of the bands in the absorption spectra of similar liquids in the overtone region have so far been studied. A detailed review of these works is given in the paper. It is not possible to obtain the corresponding contour for the fundamental band, and one must resort to reflection spectra. The work presented to me is devoted to this. In this paper, the topic is disclosed on model spectra, where the relationship between the absorption and reflection spectra is described in detail and demonstrated. The features of reflection spectra are considered depending on the parameters of the experiment. The study subjects were CO2 and C2F6. The experiment is unique, in this connection it is important because of the detection of unobvious problems while fixing the reflection spectra. It was possible to unambiguously interpret the reflection spectrum of liquid and crystalline C2F6. Deciphering the structure of the band contour of an asymmetric isotopolog in the spectrum of a thin film of crystalline CO2 is of interest for atmospheric optics. The work is stated in plain language. A clear presentation of the material allows us to reveal the main problem, the tables and figures well illustrate the experimental and theoretical results obtained. The minor disatvantage is the abundance of material, which entails difficulties in the perception of information. The lack of full disclosure of the conclusions can also be attributed to the shortcomings. The comments made do not reduce the overall high level of work. Therefore, I think that the work deserves an excellent evaluation.