The theme of the master's work "Study of photoprocesses in Au / TiO2 heterostructures" is of considerable scientific and practical interest for the creation of efficient photocatalysts. To investigate the effect of plasmon nanoparticles, six original structures are considered that allow us to separate the processes of increasing the catalytic efficiency caused by controlled insertion of defects into the semiconductor and the effect of plasmon excitation. The effect on the photoprocesses of a dielectric spacer between a metallic nanoparticle and a wide-gap semiconductor is also estimated. The text of the work is written in a competent scientific and technical language with a clear sequence of presentation and analysis of experimental facts. The experiments carried out are described in sufficient detail to understand the current chemical and physical processes. The text also reflects the characteristic problems that arise in the synthesis of nanoparticles (such as agglomeration) and how to solve them. Also, modern methods of diagnostics of materials are validly used in the work: scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive analyzer, X-ray diffractometry, X-ray fluorescence analysis, optical spectroscopy, electrochemical measurements, etc. To characterize the specific surface of samples, one can advise the use of sorbometric diagnostic methods. The shortcomings of the work are not always the exact choice of formulations for describing the result. Thus, for example, it is said that the creation of silicon dioxide shells prevents the agglomeration of particles, but the same sentence describes the observation of explicit agglomerates. Although in all such cases it becomes clear from the context what exactly the author means, this causes some difficulty in reading. The primary goal of the work was to study photoprocesses in heterostructures consisting of titanium dioxide and nanoscale gold particles. As a result of the work for the structures obtained, the author points out the negative effect of introducing gold nanoparticles and suggests a different type of structure as a solution. This fact draws attention to the lack of clarity in the choice of specific structures studied from a literature review. In the analysis of the state of the issue, the schemes of the Au / TiO2 structures investigated in literature at the time of writing are not shown, although the text contains references to some publications. These comments did not affect the overall positive impression of the text of the work. I believe that the master's work deserves an "excellent" evaluation, and its author Tahir Vladimirovich Bakiyev is awarded by master qualification.