ACCOUNT of Scientific Adviser about the Performance of the Final Qualifying Work (FQW) of the student of SPbSU Sychev Dmitry Yurievich On the Topic "Effect of Potassium Chloride on the Coagulation Kinetics of Hydrosols of a Monodisperse Negatively Charged Detonation Nanodiamond" Sychev Dmitry Y. began to work at the Department of Colloid Chemistry of the Institute of Chemistry of St. Petersburg State University from the second year. During the preparatory period, he studied the literature relevant to the topic of FQW, mastered a number of methods for experimental study of the kinetics of coagulation of hydrosols of nanodiamond particles, determination of their electro-surface properties, and also mastered the methods of computer processing of experimental data, which is necessary for calculating the theoretical values of the potential energy of particle interaction. During his studies at the department Sychev D. Yu proved to be a diligent student, who can work with literary sources of information and critically analyze the material read. While performing the FQW, he demonstrated the abilities of the experimental chemist and the qualities necessary for independent research activities. I think that Sychev Dmitry Yurievich deserves an assessment "excellent." 05/30/2017. Zhukov Anatoly Nikolayevich