Graduation qualification work A.V. Kurnysheva is devoted to the study of the Deobandi religious movement and its spread in the territory of Afghanistan. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion and a list of used literature. The amount of work is 45 pages.    In the introduction, the author of the work notes the insufficient knowledge of this topic, substantiates its relevance and sets as its goal, based on the literature used, to systematize the work on the Deobandic teachings, and also to analyze the relationship of this movement with other religious organizations. Also the author gives the names of the researchers, (in English, Russian and Persian) who studied this movement. Among them: Barbara Metcalf, Muhammad Tariq, Olivier Roy, Muhammad Sarafraz and articles from the British newspaper The Times.    In three chapters of the final work the author examines the tasks and goals posed to him in the introduction. The first chapter describes the history of the formation of the Deobandi movement, its founders and founders are indicated. In the second chapter, the author gives information about the penetration of this movement into Afghanistan, describes the relationship with other religious groups of the time. The author also notes the important role of the Deobandi movement in the formation of the Taliban, as well as its prevalence in the Pashtun environment of Afghanistan. In the third chapter, the author, on the example of Great Britain, describes the political character of the Deobandian movement and its influence on the contemporary Muslim youth of Europe. In conclusion, the author of the work notes that Deobandi religious movement has a significant influence on Muslims not only of Afghanistan and Pakistan, but also of Great Britain. The list of literature contains 20 titles, mostly in English. One also has literature in Persian and Russian.    The author has done a lot of work. In general, the topic stated in the title is disclosed, the tasks set were achieved. I agree with the conclusions of this study and I think that the work turned out to be interesting and deserves a high positive evaluation.