The bachelor thesis of S.Sleptsova is devoted to the topic of mesh partitioning, that is, representation of mesh as a union of several submeshes. Several heuristic criteria of partition optimality are usually specified that depends on concrete problem. This topic has a practical value, it was developed as a part of an new version preparation of an ELCUT software complex. The topic is also of some research interest There are many existing partitioning algorithms and packages, but the researches in this area are currently actively developed. During the preparation of her bachelor thesis, S. Sleptsova demonstrated a good level of investigating and programming skills. She studied a suitability of existing algorithms to perform her task, chose the combination of algorithms that appearыs to be good enough and implemented them. She also provided interesting set of support functions to visualize the source data, results and intermediate steps of algorithm. It is planned to use the library implemented during the bachelor project as a part of a new ELCUT release. The project was done with good.responsibility; the job schedule was kept. The organizational skills of S.Sleptsova can be estimated as good. I would like to mention specially the interest she demonstrates to study the new technologies. In particular, it was her proposal to provide a parallel version for her partitioning code. The text quality of thesis is good enough. Solution proposed by S. Slepsova and motivation for it area described in detail and clear enough. The S.Slepstova thesis deserves the grade “Excelent”