Theme of the final qualifying work: Radioactivity of graptolite argillite and assessment of their influence on the ecological situation of the territory of the Baltic-Ladoga clay of the Leningrad Region. Author (name): Efremova Uliana Sergeevna. The noted merits of the work: Efremova U.S. during field work in 2014-2016 selected and processed 69 samples of graptolite argillite from 5 outcrops in the slopes of the Baltic-Ladoga clay within the territory of the Leningrad region. The author independently analyzed the results and made qualitative and quantitative conclusions about the radioactivity of Ordovician graptolite mudstones and the influence of these rocks on the radiation situation of the adjacent territories. The main results of the research were published in 4 papers in collections of materials of international conferences. The noted shortcomings of the work: All comments on the text and content of the WRC were taken into account by the author in the process of preparing the work for protection. The conclusion of the head: With all the tasks set, the author of the WRC successfully coped with showing himself as a competent expert in the field of subsoil use ecology. Efremova U.S. proved itself as a student inclined to scientific research, able to independently solve the scientific and practical tasks in the field of radioecology and environmental protection, and also able to rationally use the creative potential to achieve the goal. The FQW is written at a high level, meets all the requirements for final qualifying works in the field of "ecology and nature management" and, undoubtedly, deserves an evaluation of "Excellent". In addition, the research results presented in this paper may be recommended for partial publication in journals from the VAK list.