The 2013 paper of R. Emparan, R. Suzuki and K. Tanabe caused significant interest in the limit of large number of spatial dimensions in general relativity (GR). In this limit, the gravity produced by black objects (black holes and analogous objects with more complex topology in the higher-dimensional spacetimes) concentrates near event horizons. Thanks to it general relativity is greatly simplified in the limit of large number of dimensions. In the leading approximation, one can neglect the gravity outside black objects treating all fields as free but subjected to certain boundary conditions on surfaces corresponding to the horizons. Thus, this limit can be used for approximate analytical computations in the regime that otherwise can be tackled only by numerical methods. One of the applications is study of black hole collisions with gravitational wave radiation that are observed since 2015 by gravitational telescopes LIGO and VIRGO. Another application is interrelation between the behavior of black objects behavior in higher-dimensional Anti-de Sitter spacetimes and quantum field theory dynamics in the strong coupling regime determined by AdS/CFT correspondence. Up to this moment only scalar and tensor fields were considered in the literature in the limit of large number of dimensions. The problem of considering spinor fields in this limit was omitted. For that reason, M.D. Kostareva was given a task of study of a spinor field at higher-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole background in the limit of large number of dimensions. As result M.D. Kostareva successfully coped with the task demonstrating large self-reliance and capability to perform carefully significant computations. She obtained the asymptotics of the spinor field effective potential for higher-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole background in the limit of large number of dimensions and the reflection coefficients for different ratio between infalling wave energies and maximal energy that allow to formulate boundary conditions for the effective spinor field theory in the limit of large number of dimensions. In the course of work she successfully studied and applied the material from various fields of the theoretical physics – vielbein formalism of general relativity, spinors in higher-dimensional spacetimes, semiclassical asymptotics in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. The text of the work was checked by the SafeAssign software in Blackboard system to determine matching content from various sources available in the Internet and used by the database. The automatic check resulted in the 18% of matching content revealed by the software. The report contains 20 suspected sources of borrowings. The analysis of the mathing content showed that the frequently used expressions and meaningless equation fragments are treated by the software as the matching content. As result of the content-related check of the thesis and the report of the SafeAssign software it is determined that this thesis is a completely original scientific work of the author. I consider the work of M.D. Kostareva during the thesis preparation to be worthy of the highest mark. Scientific Advisor, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Assistant Lecturer, O.O.Novikov