THE RESPONSE OF THE SCIENTIFIC SUPERVISOR for the final qualifying work of Maximov Anton Sergeevich, a student of St. Petersburg State University, on the topic "Dynamics of rotor with multiball autobalancer" A. S. Maximov's graduating qualification work examines an important in practical terms question of the dynamics of unbalanced rotors equipped with a multi-cavity and multi-ball auto-balancing device (ABB). The content of FQW is fully consistent with the stated topic. In the introduction, the author made a brief review of the current literature on the problem of balancing rotors equipped with an ABB. The actual practical problem is reflected in the paper, namely the collision model of balls in the cage of ABB was created and numerical comparisons of this model with the previously used models were carried out, where the balls in the ABB's cage were presented in the form of material points. To solve this problem A. S. Maximov constructed the algorithm for the numerical integration of Lagrange's equations of the second kind based on the Runge-Kutta method and implemented it in the Wolfram Mathematica environment. The author concludes that the impact of collisions of balls on the amplitude of whirling of the rotor is insignificant, and also states that the time necessary for auto-balancing does not increase in comparison with models in which collisions of balls in ABB are not taken into account. These results are justified by the numerical experiments carried out and are consistent with the results described in the literature for simplified models. The work is written in an accessible, clear language, although it contains a few typos. At the same time, it should be noted that in some drawings axes are not signed and the dimension of the parameters used for numerical integration is not specified. There is also no numbering of the FQW sections. I consider that, on the basis of the foregoing, the work of A. S. Maximov satisfies all the requirements for work on a bachelor's degree, and deserves an "excellent" grade.  "31" May 2017 Signature A. S. Kovachev, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.