Report of scientific adviser on the bachelor work of Danshin Sergey Alexandrovich "Excitons in microcavities with quantum wells". S. A. Danshin is working in Spin Optics Laboratory (SOLAB) since that time he was a student of the third year. He was suggested to learn the basic physical properties of semiconductor heterostructures, to fulfil a number of experiments with the specially grown sample, containing a low-finesse microcavity with a parabolic quantum well. Sergey regularly worked in the laboratory, learnd the physics of excitons in quantum wells, learned modeling of distribution of the light field in microcavities using the transfer matrix method. He also took part in the measurements of the photoluminescence and reflectance spectra of the sample under study and fulfilled a processing of the experimental data. These results have been presented as posters at two conferences for young researchers.In my opinion, S. A. Danshin successfully fulfilled his bachelor work and deserves to be a bachelor of physics.