Commentary on the final qualifying work "Implementation of mobile support for Web GIS" of the bachelor studies student of the Saint-Petersburg State University's faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes, Utitsyn Oleg Anatolievich Thanks to the development of network technologies and the ever-increasing throughput of modern telecommunication networks, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were able to ascend from personal computers to Internet-connected servers without losing much if any of their functionality. And such web-based GIS are powerful tools that can be used for ecological monitoring and as assists in agriculture and forestry, health service and many other areas of human activity. Meanwhile, the development of mobile technologies means that the users of various web-services access them from smartphones and tablet computers more and more often. Unfortunately, specialized web-GIS that allow analysis of the uploaded data, are rarely built with full support for such devices. In his work, Oleg takes a look at one such web-based GIS, O-GIS ( This GIS was created with the intent of giving its users and ability to upload and analyze raster data in GeoTiff and WorldImage Tiff formats. The current build of this GIS has a number of interface problems that prevent users with mobile devices from using all of the GIS's analytical features – something that is not at all good since such users are the ones that need those features the most. Therefore, modifying O-GIS to properly support mobile devices is a topical task. While working on this task, Oleg studied the modern web-application development techniques and tools, as well as the existing solutions for processing and visualizing spatial data. He then uses this acquired knowledge to update and refine existing services of O-GIS in order to make them more user-friendly, as well as to develop versions of the web-GIS's key components that are adapted specifically for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablet computers. The description of the performed actions and the motivations for software and technology choices are present in the final qualifying work's text. The source code of the updated web-GIS can be found in full in Oleg's github repository, link to which can also be found in the work’s text. It should be noted, however, that in his work Oleg gives less attention to components and solutions that are important for the development of complex mobile web-applications than to selecting components, such as visualization library, which, while important for web-GIS, have no direct impact on the devices on which this web-GIS will be displayed in a user-friendly way. Furthermore, Oleg doesn't call enough attention to how well his version of O-GIS performs when compared to the original one and, instead, compares them primarily on their user-friendliness and usability when accessed from mobile devices. That said, Oleg's work shows his knowledge in the area of development of complex web-applications for mobile devices and his ability to apply this knowledge to building a real web-application as complex as a fully-functional web-GIS. In addition to that, Oleg showed high level of independence, singleness of purpose and creativity. Based on that, I believe that Oleg deserves the "outstanding" mark. Scientific adviser, senior lecturer of the Saint-Petersburg State University, faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes P.A. Solovyev