The bachelor’s thesis of A. Gudiev describes the project that allows to create graphic user interface using the PostScript language. The work was performed by A. Gudiev is a part of a team project In the first part of the thesis, the motivation for the project is described and review of the similar existing solutions is provided. The review is up-to-date enough and describes the current state of research in this area. As a remark, it would make sense to write about ptevious attempts to extend PostScript to use it as GUI languages (NeWS, for example) In the other parts of the thesis, the solution, proposed by A. Gudiev is described in details, and some examples of the library usage are presented. In this part, it would be interesting to see some code examples of the library usage, the thesis contains no code examples at all. To my mind, A. Gudiev demonstrates a good level of programming in his project. The project seems to have some considerable practical use, in particular, to create portable user interfaces. The text quality is good, it is clear and detailed enough. I suppose that the A. Gudiev thesis deserves the grade “excellent”.