The author of the work sets for himself the task of identifying the requirements and further development of the timetables planning information system on the basis of the subject area analysis and the current "SPBU timetable" solution. I consider this a very labor-intensive task, complete solution of which can not fit within the scope of the thesis, which does not reduce its relevance for the needs of the University. Considering "SPBU timetable" IS as an object of research, Maksim Sergeevich pays special attention to system architecture and the search for opportunities to improve its functional state. In particular, careful work has been done to improve the tools for logging, data popularization, alerting and indication of conflicts in the timetable planning process. A number of new functions developed by the author have been introduced into the system, and methods have been optimized in terms of performance based on the analysis carried out. Performance problems are not resolved, but this work has begun the issue of its improvement as methods of optimization and further development in this direction were proposed. System analytics were not carried out in full. However, in the part is considered by the author, the choice of the technologies used is justified, the methods of investigation and the conclusions are are correct. Some of the widened solutions require development and practical implementation, in general work is a good groundwork for future research. In the end, think the efforts made by the author have made a positive contribution, and the thesis of Ermolaev Maksim Sergeevich deserves a grade of "good".