The bachelor's work by V.V. Kuidin is devoted to the construction of asymptotic solutions of the Dirac equations with a smooth potential. The study of these equations is actual, since they are used to construct the wave function of an electron in graphene placed in an external electric field. The main terms of the asymptotics of the solution are constructed in the semiclassical approximation. They describe the scattering of electrons by a potential. The scattering of electrons by a potential depending on one coordinate was studied for different angles of incidence. A scattering on a potential depending on two variables was also studied. The results were obtained by V.V. Kuidin by himself, although the problems considered were already solved by other authors and already published. Thus, the work is a reference work. The original problem of constructing localized solutions was not completely solved and the corresponding results were not included in the bachelor's work, so its title does not fully correspond to the content. The main problem in the preparing of the work was a lack of time, due to the fact that the theme of the work was chosen by V.V. Kuidin too late.  The experience gained can be useful for further obtaining original results. V.V. Kuidin demonstrated an interest to an independent work.  I think that the work deserves a "good" evaluation.