The official review of the associate professor of teleradio journalism of "The Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications" Institute of St.Petersburg State University, Candidate of Philology Yury Vladimirovich Klyuev for final qualification work Aleksandra Yurevna Loginova "The thematic concept and composite and graphic model of the magazine about a cinema" The author of VKR formulated actual and socially significant task – to develop the concept and a format of the thematic magazine about a modern cinema. Thus this type of the edition is characterized as "the sociocultural phenomenon directed on education and education of society" (page 3). In work chapter 1 the considerable and reasonable attention is paid to a historical context. Process of formation and development of the journal editions about a cinema appearing in Russia at the beginning and throughout the 20th century is analysed. Activity of the publishers and editors who made a contribution to distribution of ideas and concepts of motion picture art both among elite words of the population, and among mass public is studied. Dynamics of a substantial and thematic variety of such editions is shown, their typology is given (entertaining, intellectual, specialized). In the organizational plan the initial stage of magazines about cinema of the 20th eyelid is defined as a stage of their formation, in the substantial plan – as a stage of promoting of the arising big screen which basis was made by dramaturgic, director's and actor's characteristics of theater. The author opened the main milestones of development of domestic magazines about a cinema, thus the main attention is paid to the known and recognized among audience Russian magazine "Art of the film". Characterizing this edition as a peculiar business card among other magazines about a cinema, the author offered own model not of the glossy magazine for fans of a cinema under the name "Look". Approaches to its design are given in VKR chapter 2. The motto of the magazine is opened as follows is "the edition for those who is interested in the movie more, than from credits to credits" (page 35). Thus effects of perception and possible reaction of audience to design of the projected edition are considered. Innovations in the sphere of illustrative, font and design registration are used. The potential target audience is analysed, the name of the magazine is reasoned, its format and volume is reasonable. The rubrication including sections is presented and characterized: "Festival", "Interview", "Close up", "Criticism" (page 35-36). Annexes to VKR give exhaustive and favorable ideas of design and esthetic levels of the developed project. As the recommendation it is possible to note need of more detailed story for VKR chapter 1 about the editor-in-chief of the Art of the film magazine Daniil Dondurey, about his public and journal work (subjects, a perspective, relevance of publicistic performances). Nevertheless, the specified remarks don't belittle the general positive opinion on the conducted research in any way. The text of VKR is logically stated, includes all necessary components. Finishing reviewing, it is possible to note that final qualification work of Aleksandra Yurevna Loginova "The thematic concept and composite and graphic model of the magazine about a cinema" took place and can be recommended for protection. Work is performed at the demanded level, corresponds to the shown criteria and can be estimated positively. The official reviewer – associate professor of teleradio journalism Institute "The higher school of journalism and mass communications" St.Petersburg State University, Candidate of Philology Yu. V. Klyuev May 23, 2017