REFERENCE Scientific adviser on final qualification work Koshelova Darya Olegovna "Russian Travel Journalism: Development Dynamics" The choice of the research topic - "Russian Travel Journalism: the dynamics of development" - is due to the fact that travel magazines, on the modern information market, represent one of the most actively developing and promising areas. This direction actively influences the cultural self-identification of people, shapes their views about the world around them. The author of the diploma essay set out to investigate the specifics, current trends and dynamics of the development of Russian travel journalism. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter deals with the historical and theoretical aspect of the stated topic: the definition of travel journalism is given, its genre peculiarity is examined, and the main stages of the formation of domestic travel journalism are covered. The second chapter presents a comparative analysis of publications in leading travel magazines: "Around the World", "GEO", "National Geographic". Specific examples study the specifics and trends of the development of the travel press, the results of the research are summarized. The author of the work proved to be a diligent, competent specialist in the field of periodicals. WRC was presented to the scientific leader on time. It is pleasant to note the enthusiasm, perseverance and purposefulness shown by DO Kosheleva during the research. Graduation qualification work of the student D. O. Kosheleva was carried out in accordance with the program of the state educational standard in the direction of "Journalism". Darya Olegovna conscientiously took to the execution of the thesis work, demonstrated the ability to work independently, successfully applying methods of scientific analysis. By its structure, content and design, this thesis meets the requirements and, as a completed study, can be recommended for public protection. Art. Lecturer of the department Periodicals Kolodyazhny I.V.